Gunite, marcite, and concrete pools are the same thing, just different names for them.
Acid Washing/Baths
- Excessive Use of Chemicals
- Sensitive to Algae
- Expensive Plaster Repairs
- Etching
- Repainting
- Complete Pool Re-plastering Every 3-7 Years at $3500.00 to $8000.00 NO JOKE!
- Excessive Use of Electricity – because pump must run longer, to inject more chemicals, to keep algae from building up in the concrete poors.
- Concrete Shows Through the Marcite/Granite Finish
- Very Very Rough & Abrasive Surface
- Plaster/Marcite Pops Off When the Automatic Cleaner Sucks Against the Bottom of the Pool and Pulls Off the Marcite Skim Coat.
- Prone to Stains and Discoloration
- Skimmer- Common Leak Site
Southern Ground Shifts Causing Gunite Pool Shells to Crack, But Won’t Affect our Fiberglass Pool or a Liner Pool.